The Simplicity of Our Curriculum

Each of our programs begins with the formation of a vital friendship between student and mentor, a relationship that builds throughout the course of study. Mentors are available for advice of any kind all during enrollment. We pride ourselves in the Christian love and respect with which we treat each and every student. They will tell you so.

Our curriculum in Traumatolgy is packed with essential content and yet is simple to follow. When your tuition is received you will receive a number of assignments consisting of recorded teachings already online for your convenience plus some selected articles as a warm-up for your textbook study. You will also receive a list of textbooks, most of them available at, some at discount. You will study one textbook at a time, and after completion you will be sent an examination. Then you proceed to the next text on the list, etc. There is no final exam.

At the conclusion of your program, you will certified and licensed by the American College ofTraumatology Examiners and will receive an attractive diploma plus your own license number.

Tuition: $500 plus 5 textbooks. Materials for Course 1 are furnished.